This is an open-loop(i.e. not controlled) dynamic simulation of a hypothetical chemical process. The model is fairly self-explanatory but I suggest finding the original paper for more information. The model was initially published by Downs and Vogel in the mid-90s. No doubt, a copy of this paper is floating around somehwere on the 'net. Their abstract was as follows:
This paper describes a model of an industrial chemical process for the purpose. of developing, studying and evaluating process control technology. This process is well suited for a wide variety of studies including both plant-wide control and multivariable control problems. It consists of a reactor/ separator/recycle arrangement involving two simultaneous gas-liquid exothermic reactions of the following form: A(g) + C(g) + D(g) -> G(liq), Product 1, A(g) + C(g) + E(g) -> H(liq), Product 2. Two additional byproduct reactions also occur. The process has 12 valves available for manipulation and 41 measurements available for monitoring or control. The process equipment, operating objectives, process control objectives and process disturbances are described. A set of FORTRAN subroutines which simulate the process are available upon request.This model has been the focus of much study since then and it's a fun little thing to play around with. There are numerous versions of this model in various forms, but I haven't come across a version that easily accessible without MATLAB or the like. The version presented here is based on a C translation and update of the original FORTRAN code available at Larry Ricker's page. Refer to the Updated TE Code (January 23, 2015)
One approach is to meticulously translate the C/FORTRAN code in Javascript. That is not the approach here. Basically, this code works as follows:
Sure, nothing is obfuscated. Right and view-source. Alternatively, you can check out the repo here. This is code is of awful quality, maybe someday I will clean it up
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Use the code however you wish (MIT License).